> Could anyone hosting their Django app with Heroku care to post their 
> experiences? 

I'm somewhere along the road of seeing if PaaS could make my life easier, 
and we've been using Heroku for a client (their choice) recently, having 
evaluated it a couple of months ago for a different one and decided against 

There are lots of things to like.  The tools are awesome as a whole - you 
can add a service with a one liner, you have database forking and 
following, account security policy allowing several users access with one 
paying a bill, it's lovely.
The performance of the web stack seems good, but I've not used it 
extensively in production so can't quantify it, but I know I've used other 
services where I've been put off immediately.

There are some things which put me off though:
- The nature of it being a magic box.  You type the command, and it usually 
works, but if it doesn't there's nothing much you can do about it.  This 
isn't to do with Heroku as such, but PaaS as a whole I suppose.  Recently 
my database wouldn't reset itself, and it required a support ticket, but by 
the time they'd viewed it it has just started working again with no 
explanation.  It frustrates me not being able to troubleshoot these things 
- There are some oddities around the setup, which don't lock you in as 
such, but will mean you'll probably have to bend your app a bit to get it 
running (sasl auth for memcached, ephemeral filesystem).
- No UK data centres, just a single EC2 US region.

Personally, for me, right now I wouldn't trust Heroku alone with a client 
site that we were being paid to manage.  I haven't been reviewing the 
service very long, but there have been a couple of instances of downtime 
(there was one at the end of last week for about an hour), and it's the 
sort of downtime where you're completely in the hands of someone else.

All told, if they offered a second availability zone for failover it may 
well be worth it for me, but right now I'd need to build in failover 
externally, which means you may as well manage it yourself to begin with (I 
can't fault Linode for the DIY approach right now).

I have an app running on there with a monitor on it now to keep an eye on 
things, and I'm sure one day I'll end up on Heroku or something similar, 
but not quite yet.


Rolo Mawlabaux
Wildfish Ltd | http://wildfish.com

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