sorry ,I have a Perl back-end running as an API,i want to control that in
my front end using Django.How can I do that.........?

Thank You

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 11:13 PM, Kurtis Mullins <>wrote:

> On 05/06/2012 18:04, Ali Shaikh wrote:
>> Hey..
>> I am working for project, in that the back-end code is return in perl
>> and am working for front-end part i.e UI using Django,
>> Can any one can tell me how to access back-end database which is
>> return in perl or any othere languages .........??
> What exactly do you mean by "the back-end code is return[ed] in perl"? Is
> it just dumping the data to Perl scripts? Or some sort of a Perl object
> notation? Or do you have a Perl back-end running as an API?
> --
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