Hi Lucas,

Try moving the first novo=... Right after if request.method

Then dedent the else and the line following it (the second novo)
Then remove request.POST from the second novo


If the request method is not POST this will instanciate an unbound form that 
loads the data from the instance.
If the request method is POST the form is populated using the POST data. If it 
is valid the instance is saved. If it is not valid django will set the errors 
on the form

Good luck!


----- Reply message -----
Von: "Lucas Aride Moulin" <aride.mou...@gmail.com>
An: <django-users@googlegroups.com>
Betreff: How to edit form filling it with actual data
Datum: Di., Jun. 5, 2012 23:07

I have a function that creates a form, loading the info that already exists
in the DB, but I want it to fill the form with the info loaded. I found an
article on djangoproject teaching how to do this, but it won't work with me.
At   novo = disciplinaForm(request.POST, instance=atual), if I remove the
"request.POST" it loads the info, but don't save. And with "request.POST"
it do

The function:

def edit_disciplina(request, disciplina_id):
  atual = disciplina.objects.get(pk=disciplina_id)
  novo = disciplinaForm(request.POST, instance=atual)
  if request.method == 'POST':
    if novo.is_valid():
      return HttpResponseRedirect('/disciplinas/success/')
      novo = disciplinaForm(request.POST, instance=atual)
{'novo': novo}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

Lucas Aride Moulin,

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