Hi Hendrik,

I forgot to mention in my previous message that the debug shows the 

code 400, message Bad request syntax 

Thank you!


On Saturday, June 2, 2012 8:46:38 AM UTC-5, henzk wrote:
> Hi, 
> i haven't tested the code and never used dojo before, but sth. like 
> this should work: 
> var source1 = new dojo.dnd.Source("itemListNode"); 
> var source2 = new dojo.dnd.Target("selectedListNode"); 
> dojo.connect( source1, "onDndDrop", 
>     function(source, nodes, copy, target){ 
>         //gather items and details 
>         var details = []; 
>         for( i=0; i < nodes.length; i++){ 
>             var item = this.getItem(nodes[i].id); 
>             details.push(item.data); 
>         } 
>         //send details to server via AJAX POST request 
>         dojo.xhrPost({ 
>             url: "/save_details/", 
>             content: {details: JSON.stringify(details)}, 
>             // The success handler 
>             load: function(response) { 
>                  alert('ok'); 
>             }, 
>             // The error handler 
>             error: function() { 
>                  alert("error"); 
>             } 
>         }); 
> }); 
> Explanation: 
> - changed 'item' to 'var item' ... without the 'var' item will be 
> global, which is probably not what you want. 
> - to get around making multiple requests to the server(one for each 
> dropped node), put the detail of each node in the details array. 
> - then json-encode and send this array to your django view (assumed to 
> be at '/save_details/') 
> - in the view, access the list as 
> json.loads(request.POST.get('details', '[]')) and place it into 
> request.session 
> As mentioned, the code is completely untested. 
> Good luck! 
> Yours, 
> Hendrik Speidel 

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