You seriously have to give PyCharm a go. It's everything IDE should be and
loves django.

On 30 May 2012 23:40, Bill Freeman <> wrote:

> On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber
> <> wrote:
> > On Mon, 28 May 2012 05:37:43 -0700 (PDT), coded kid
> > <> declaimed the following in
> > gmane.comp.python.django.user:
> >
> >> I'm in a big mess now, I've lost my projects due to this errror. I'm
> >> on windows, This is how I encounter the problem; I try to edit my
> >> in IDLE. After right clicking on the files, I choose open
> >> program with these default file. I choose idle window bat file, and I
> >> clicked Ok. It didn't open, I try to run runserver on my
> >> DOS. Not working, it will pop up the IDLE Shell and script by
> >> displaying it in IDLE. It didn't run the server. The logo of my python
> >> files have changed. How can I revert it back to open with IDLE? And
> >> use it as default for my python script?
> >
> >        IDLE itself is a Python script; though it sounds like you (or
> > someone) created a Windows BAT file to act as an intermediate.
> >
> >        The main problem appears to be that you've associated the "open"
> > action with /IDLE/... The normal "open" action for Python (.py) script
> > files should be Python.exe (or Pythonw.exe for .pyw). For editing you
> > should have/create a <right-click>"Edit" action that invokes your IDLE
> > BAT file.
> >
> >        You'll need to work with the file association commands in Windows
> to
> > reset things so that "open" means RUN the script.
> >
> >        Unfortunately, different installations have used different names
> for
> > the file types. Here are mine (I had to do "ftype" with no arguments and
> > scan the long output to find the Python entries):
> >
> > E:\UserData\Wulfraed\My Documents>ftype py_auto_file
> > py_auto_file="E:\Python25\python.exe" "%1" %*
> >
> > E:\UserData\Wulfraed\My Documents>ftype pyw_auto_file
> > pyw_auto_file="E:\Python25\pythonw.exe" "%1"
> >
> >
> >        Note that ftype only defines the "open"/"run" action for a file.
> > (Interesting -- the .pyw doesn't take command line arguments, probably
> > to be expected for a double-click open).
> >
> >        The other half of the basic equation is the file extension to
> "file
> > type" association:
> >
> > E:\UserData\Wulfraed\My Documents>assoc .py
> > .py=py_auto_file
> >
> > E:\UserData\Wulfraed\My Documents>assoc .pyc
> > File association not found for extension .pyc
> >
> > E:\UserData\Wulfraed\My Documents>assoc .pyw
> > .pyw=pyw_auto_file
> >
> > (This is why I commented that the file type name may differ between
> > installs -- the assoc is
> >        <.extension> = <file type>
> > and ftype is
> >        <file type> = <command line to execute>
> > As long as the same <file type> is used in both commands the linkage
> > works)
> >
> >        That SHOULD clear up the double-click/<right-click>Open/command
> line
> > running of Python scripts. Setting up an Edit action (on WinXP) requires
> > going through either the registry by hand, or opening a directory
> > window,
> >
> > Tools/Folder Options
> > File Types (tab)
> >        scroll down to PY and PYW entries, select one
> >        Details should show "Opens with: python" (or pythonw)
> > [Advanced]
> >        the default action should be "open" (bold). If there is no "edit"
> > action, click [New...]
> >
> >        Give it Action name "edit" (or "edit with IDLE")
> >        Application used to perform action: full path to the IDLE.BAT file
> > (in quotes) followed by "%1" (with quotes) for the argument placeholder
> > (the file to be edited).
> >        Might need to [x] Use DDE; set "Application" to IDLE, set Topic to
> > System
> >
> > {NOTE: I'm paraphrasing from the edit action on my system which uses
> > "E:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\Pythonwin.exe" "%1"}
> > {I'm not sure if you could skip the BAT file and use
> >        "path/to/python.exe" "path/to/" "%1"
> > instead}
> >
> > --
> >        Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
> >    HTTP://
> Last I used it (I've been blessedly Windows free for some time now),
> IDLE's editor was fine for editing Python (everyone has their own
> favorite code editor), at least giving nice syntax highlighting and
> correct (for Python) treatment of the tab key.  But it is not really
> an IDE (except maybe for projects that are one file, or maybe one
> folder).
> I'm sure that there are many fine Windows specific solutions.
> (Someone mentioned NOTEPAD++.  I can't comment, but the list is pretty
> good at that sort of judgement.)  But let me suggest that you learn to
> use a tool that is available on multiple platforms.  (If you deploy a
> site commercially, your costs, flexibility, and perhaps performance,
> will likely be better on a Linux or BSD based VPS or shared host.)  My
> personal favorite is emacs, but it can be easier to use vim remotely,
> and it is more likely to be pre-installed.  Yes, there are native
> Windows implementations of both, independent of running builds of *nix
> configurations under cygwin.  While IDLE does run everywhere, it
> requires access to the GUI, which can be annoying on a VPS.  Though
> you can edit locally and push your changes to your VPS using your
> revision control system, there are just some times that you have to
> edit on your VPS via an SSH terminal connection.
> Beware, if you go with vim, that you will have to add plugins to make
> it really Python friendly (emacs comes with a python mode).  At a
> minimum, you should configure vim to always insert spaces when you hit
> the TAB key.  Without further information, Python will interpret tab
> characters as going to the next every 8 column tab stop, while many
> modern editors have lost there way, and use tabs as though the stops
> were every 4 characters.  Indentation is meaningful in Python, so it
> causes mysterious problems if there are two lines that you think have
> the same indentation, but python things are different (or vice versa)
> because one uses tab characters and the other is all spaces.
> There are also some fine commercial, cross platform, offerings.  I'm
> told that Wing IDE even has good Django template modes, and does have
> the chops to run Django from within it.
> Bill
> Also, Django isn't really a click to run kind of application.  During
> development it really should be run from a command prompt.
> --
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