On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 7:33 AM, KevinE <kelb...@elburyconsulting.com> wrote:
> Just one question - why would django avoid an offline mode - is that a
> completely unreasonable/undo-able extension?

Django is a web server framework.  when you're offline, you don't have a server.

> It seems to me that smartphones
> may eventually take over normal computers on the web but with
> the inherent distinction that on a smartphone you are not always guaranteed
> a data connection.

smartphones are clients, Django isn't supposed to work there.  there
are plenty of smartphone frameworks, those that are web-oriented
usually work with any server-side framework, typically by some REST
interface.  some of them also help with the offline problem.  (i
haven't use any of them yet, but it's a recurring theme in their


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