On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 5:09 AM, Vanessa Gomes <vane.gom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, guys.
> Does anyone know where I can find the name / version of the database? For
> example, if I'm using PostegreSQL, want it returned something like "8.4.11
> PostgreSQL, psycopg2 2.4.4."

Hi Vanessa,

Django doesn't currently have any API for accessing that sort of
detail. You'd have to get a handle on the native DB cursor and ask the
DB directly. However, this won't be cross-database compatible -- every
database will have a different way of retrieving the version.

The closest Django can get you is to tell you the identifier for the
backend -- that will tell you that you're on Postgres vs MySQL, but
won't tell you versions.

from django.db import connections
print connections['default'].vendor

will output the database vendor string.

You're not the first person to ask for this feature-- there was a
ticket opened just recently for this exact idea:


If you're enthused about the idea, this should be a fairly easy
contribution your could make.

Russ Magee %-)

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