Don't use sqlite, use a postressql or mysql database.

If you just need sqlite:
Create an special user for your application, and addit to the www-data group,
and mark sqlite databse as read/write for that user.

Hope it help!

2012/5/27 Fadi Samara <>:
> Hi,
> I have django running against apache with wsgi, using sqlite3 as my
> database.
> When I run the admin page, I will end up with "attempt to write a readonly
> database", the only solution worked for me to chmod 777 to the django
> project directory.According to Django website they don't recommend
> "Authenticating against Django’s user database from Apache" this solution
> and left it to the community to make a better solution.
> Can any one please point me to a secure and recommended solution to
> let Apache authenticate a Django project database.
> Thanks,
> --
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Antoni Aloy López

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