On Tue, Apr 24, 2012, Daniele Procida <dani...@vurt.org> wrote:

><http://2012.djangocon.eu/schedule/involving-women-in-the-community/> -
>and then I had a closer look at the names of this year's speakers.
>There are *two* women out of the 24 or so speakers listed, and only one
>is doing a solo talk.

An update - the keynote speakers have all been announced now, and two of the 
three are women:

Jessica McKellar 
 is a Python Software Foundation board member and a maintainer of several 
important open source Python projects.

Karen Tracey 
 is a core Django developer and author of Django Testing and Debugging.

which is really excellent and certainly helps address the imbalance.

Two weeks to go!


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