you need something like this *^wikicamp/* separately, because even if your 
url doesnot match anything for page_name, your url is still asking 
something for *^wikicamp/at_least_something/* . 

Am Freitag, 18. Mai 2012 10:02:37 UTC+2 schrieb Ali Shaikh:
> Using the URLconf defined in wikicamp.urls, Django tried these URL 
> patterns, in this order: 
> 1. ^wikicamp/(?P<page_name>[^/]+)/edit/$ 
> 2. ^wikicamp/(?P<page_name>[^/]+)/save/$ 
> 3. ^wikicamp/(?P<page_name>[^/]+)/$ 
> The current URL, wikicamp/, didn't match any of these. 
> --- 
> Any ideas? I'm admittedly lacking in the regex department... but I 
> assume this is a syntax issue due to the tutorial being for an older 
> version of Django, as I also had to use 'max_length' rather than 
> 'maxlength', as others mentioned here.Am using Django 1.4.......HOw to 
> overcome this.........?

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