First of all i know there is a plugable app called *django-reversion*, 
leave it now!

I like to discus about some idea to implement a simple reversion app. i 
have couple of thoughts about it, all i need is just another people's ideas 
about it.

If i'm wrong correct me!
The model that used to keep history|changes, is a generic model and of 
course powered by *ContentType *[framework|app], and revision should be 
done in tracking the changes in git way, not svn-like which make a copy of 
the changed file.
And of course data should be saved in JSON format, thanks to simple json! ( 
using django signals to keep eyes on model changes )
Different between the models can be handled by *difflib*!
Okay yet theoretically is not a big implementation!
But the main point and important step is reverting, which i don't have 
clear idea about it!
And i know i probably missed couple of things there.

i like to know your [idea|suggestion|advice]!

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