There was a snippet to display a content of response in browser during
debugging .

"One of the first issues you might face is seeing a style-less page.
This happens becuase the test server isn’t really a web server, and
you’re probably serving static files from something relative such as
site_media'. The solution is simple: Run a separate Django server and
tweak your development-only static URL to something like:

STATIC_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/site_media/

but this doesn't works anymore, because django.contrib.staticfiles
doesn't serve static when STATIC_URL contains full URL.

I found the node at

"That's because this view is grossly inefficient and probably
insecure. This is only intended for local development, and should
never be used in production.

Additionally, when using staticfiles_urlpatterns your STATIC_URL
setting can't be empty or a full URL, such as";

Is there a way to omit this limitation for local development?

(reposted from

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