ahh, okay. Let’s try another approach to see if you can nail down that
error. I’m not sure why it’s not working.

def reserve(request, park_id):

    # Get the User
    # This is different than the method you’re using
    # but I think it may be what you want.

    user = self.request.user

    # Grab that Notification and Park
    # In your method, you were throwing a 404 error. I’m
    # not sure if that’s what you’re actually after (page not found)
    # or if you’d rather give a server error because the user attempted
    # to use a notification or park that didn’t exist.

    # Also, I’m a bit confused by the variable names, haha. I’d think the
    # object would take the park_id and the Notification object would use
    # something else.

    notification = Notification.objects.get(pk = park_id)
    park = Park.objects.get(pk = 1)

    # This will check to see if that POST Variable is available.
    if ’timeout’ is in request.POST:

        # Grab the Timeout Variable
        timeout = int(request.POST[’timeout’])

        # Let’s build the Reservation object piece by piece to see what the
problem is.
        reservation = Reservation.objects.create()
        reservation.user = user
        # ....
        reservation.notification = notification
        reservation.timeout = timeout
        # ...

        return HttpResponse(...)

    # This is the error case where the timeout wasn’t POST'ed.
        raise Exception(”The timeout variable wasn’t posted.”)

This time, you should see exactly where that error is popping up. Also,
ModelForm + CreateView would be a great an easy combination for this exact

Good luck!
-Kurtis Mullins

 *From:* psychok7 <nun...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Thursday, May 03, 2012 4:47:56 PM
*To:* django-users@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* Re: help with "Key 'timeout' not found in <QueryDict: {}>"

timeout field is just an INTEGER.. just saying the amount of time the space
will be reserved.

class Reservation(models.Model):        user = models.ForeignKey(User)
   park = models.ForeignKey(Park)    notification =
models.ForeignKey(Notification)    timeout = models.IntegerField()
active = models.BooleanField()    parked = models.BooleanField()
reservation_date = models.DateTimeField('date reserved')

On Thursday, May 3, 2012 11:58:19 PM UTC+1, Kurtis wrote:
> Can we see what your "Reservation" model looks like? Specifically, that
> 'timeout' field?
> hi i have done a succefull query and i converted the results into links so
>> i can make a post by clicking on the links to make a reservation.
>> my problem is, theres a variable timeout that i want to specify manually,
>> but i get a "Key 'timeout' not found in <QueryDict: {}>"
>> i know i am supposed to pass that variable but i just dont know how.
>> my code is :
>> def reserve (request,user_id,park_id):
>>     #only works if the user exists in database
>>     u = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id)
>>     n = get_object_or_404(**Notification, pk=park_id)
>>     p = get_object_or_404(Park, pk=1)
>>     r = Reservation(user=u ,notification=n, park=p,
>> timeout=int(request.POST['**timeout']),active=True,parked=**
>> False,reservation_date=**datetime.now())
>>     r.save()
>>     return HttpResponse('Spot reserved')
>> html:
>> {% if parks %} <p>You searched for: <strong>{{ query }}</strong></p>
>> <p>Found {{ parks|length }} park{{ parks|pluralize }}.</p> <ul> {% for park
>> in parks %} <input type="text" name="timeout" value="60" id="timeout">
>> <li><a href="/accounts/{{ user.id }}/reserve/{{ park.id }}">{{
>> park.park_address }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endif %}
>> can someone help me?
>> --
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