I have been trying a lot but could not make out why it happens,

class FortressUserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):    
list_display(. . . , get_my_schema)    
def get_my_schema(self, obj):
    sql_query = "select prop_val from customer_property where customer_id = %d 
and property_value like '%%%%SCHEMA%%%%'" % obj.customer_id.customer_id    
    property_value = connection.cursor().execute(sql_query).fetch_one()        
    print sql_query        
    return 1
    # return "aditya"
get_my_schema.short_description = 'Schema Instance'

   - why the column values are always (None) 
   - why the print 1 or print 'aditya' won't print anything to the console 

Screen shot of the column admin site: [image: enter image description here]

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