On 27 April 2012 14:27, pritesh modi <pritesh.mod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i am looking for same actually can u provide me information about that. i 
> think what i understand is here finally the .py code should not go at 
> deployment server and only compile code is going at server and run at 
> deployment server.

I think this can be achieved in two or three ways.

Distutils, and some hacking as suggested here:


Or using setup tools and a rolling a binary egg:


Alternatively you can rolling your own package / deployment
toolchain... this really would depend on your target platform. This
would probably make sense if you're targeting windows and want to
bundle all your requirements.

I really can't comment on which is the preferred approach, as I don't
have any experience with binary only packaging (all our distributed
code is open source). But these at least should give you a starting
point for your own investigation.


Andrew Cutler

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