Ok - I think everyone needs to settle down a little bit.

I've just re-read the whole thread. Here's my summary:

The OP didn't post a question - they posted a source of information that they 
thought might be helpful for someone coming from a Struts background.

Marcin gave a one line response. The content of your response is completely 
accurate as general advice -- just because one framework does something one way 
doesn't mean every framework should do the same thing. However, in being terse, 
you've also missed an important detail -- the fact that different frameworks 
use the English language in different ways, and what Struts calls middleware 
may well be a good match for what Django calls a view decorator.

Tom gave a detailed response, drawing attention to this fact.

And then the wheels fell off the wagon.

Tom, you possibly overshot the mark a little by saying that Marcin belittled 
the OP. I completely agree with you that Marcin's comments could easily be 
*perceived* as belittling, especially to a newcomer to the list. However, by 
the same token, being called on being belittling when that wasn't your intent 
could itself be perceived as belittling, which is what I suspect is the source 
of Marcin's anger. 

Marcin -- it's an unfortunate fact that on mailing lists, terse responses often 
appear to be rude or belittling, even if that wasn't your intent. On top of 
that, your original advice is 100% correct, but quite possibly almost 
completely irrelevant to the OP's point -- which is what Tom pointed out. You 
also can't control how other people perceive your words, and Tom is letting you 
know that if *he* had read your words, he would have felt belittled (a point 
which he clarifies very well in his second response).

We won't tolerate ad hominem attacks (or any other sort of attack, for that 
matter) on Django mailing lists. In this case, I think we've just got a minor 
misunderstanding of intent, exacerbated by some terse responses. So - lets 
chalk this one up to experience and move on. 

Russ Magee %-)

On Thursday, 26 April 2012 at 7:33 PM, Marcin Tustin wrote:

> Y
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 12:29, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com 
> (mailto:tevans...@googlemail.com)> wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Marcin Tustin <marcin.tus...@gmail.com 
> > (mailto:marcin.tus...@gmail.com)> wrote:
> > > On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 09:34, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com 
> > > (mailto:tevans...@googlemail.com)> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > What one framework may call something may not be what another
> > > > framework does, and users moving between frameworks don't need to be
> > > > belittled just because they do not know how that framework names
> > > > things.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > If you are saying that I have belittled the OP, you should withdraw that
> > > accusation, or show that it is in fact the case that all struts 
> > > development
> > > practices should be copied in Django.
> > 
> > 
> > I stand by everything I said.
> > 
> > If I had received that reply from you I would have felt belittled, and
> > I said nothing about "all struts development practices", only
> > "per-view middleware", which is a common feature of many frameworks,
> > including both Django and struts.
> No, *I* was the one who referred to all struts development practices. It 
> remains the case that just because someone is used to doing something in 
> struts, it does not follow that they should be doing that in Django. You may 
> be so sensitive that you find it belittling to be told something like that, 
> but by no objective standard can it be called belittling. 
> I will be complaining to the list administrators. The only abusive behaviour 
> has come from you, slandering me.
> -- 
> Marcin Tustin
> -- 
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