On Apr 25, 2012, at 2:16 AM, Tom Evans wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 5:58 AM, Lee Hinde <leehi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a table with four or five foreign keys. Using the default form
>> widgets, a foreign key is represented by a single value select.
>> I noticed, with debug_tool_bar, that a query is being made for each
>> element of each foreign key select option. Seems like it ought not
>> I am using
>>     classes = get_object_or_404(Classes, pk=pk)
>> to load the record. I tried
>> Classes.on_site.select_related().get(pk=pk) without any change.
>> The question is, is this to be expected?
> Yes. How else would it get the potential values that can be selected?
> If you want to load all in one query, you can use select_related(). If
> select_related() doesn't help, then your foreign keys are probably
> nullable, which are not automatically loaded with select_related().
> FYI, having each foreign key lookup as a separate query may not be a bad 
> thing.
> If the cardinality of the foreign keys doesn't change much (you don't
> add frequently add potential new values for that foreign key), then it
> is highly likely that those queries would be served from the query
> cache.
> If you are displaying 1 million different forms, but all their foreign
> key lookups can be served from cache, do you think it would be quicker
> to do 1 million queries with 5 joins in each query, with none of the
> queries cached, or 5 million queries, 1 million with no joins and 4
> million served from the query cache?
> Cheers
> Tom

Thanks Tom; I may have been unclear. I would expect at least one query per 
foreign key to load the potential values, but there is a query for each 
potential value. i.e.., one of the foreign keys is to an instructor table. 
There's that query, then there's a query for each instructor as part of the 
class page load.

And yes, I have a lot of nullable foreign keys. In this example, I can have a 
class but not know yet who the instructor will be. I suppose an alternative to 
a nullable key would be to have a default, 'no decision made yet' option. 
Thanks also for the reminder about select_related not following a nullable fk.

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