I am using class based views and my code is:

class PayOrdersView(AdminFormSetView):
    form_class = PayOrderForm
    template_name = 'internal/orders/pay_orders_form.html'
    active_item = 'order_pay_orders'
    context_formset_name = 'pay_orders_formset'
    extra = 2

    def formset_valid(self, formset):
        logger.debug('Executing formset_valid')
        for form in formset:
            logger.debug('Is empty: %s' % form.empty_permitted)
        return super(PayOrdersView, self).formset_valid(formset)

formset_valid method is called after formset.is_valid(). I start with 2 
empty forms, I insert into first form order number and the second form 
stays empty. After I submit, I get:

[2012-04-25 13:42:07,776] DEBUG [31099 140249342375680] 
[project.internal.mixins:304] Processing POSTed form
[2012-04-25 13:42:07,778] DEBUG [31099 140249342375680] 
[project.internal.forms:29] Cleaning order_number
[2012-04-25 13:42:07,837] DEBUG [31099 140249342375680] 
[project.internal.mixins:307] Formset is valid
[2012-04-25 13:42:07,842] DEBUG [31099 140249342375680] 
[project.internal.views:93] Executing formset_valid
[2012-04-25 13:42:07,843] DEBUG [31099 140249342375680] 
[project.internal.views:95] Is empty: True
[2012-04-25 13:42:07,843] DEBUG [31099 140249342375680] 
[project.internal.forms:54] Saving PayOrderForm
[2012-04-25 13:42:09,914] DEBUG [31099 140249342375680] 
[project.internal.views:95] Is empty: True
[2012-04-25 13:42:09,914] DEBUG [31099 140249342375680] 
[project.internal.forms:54] Saving PayOrderForm

So both forms have empty_permitted == True. Management form in time of 
submit looks so:

<input id="id_form-TOTAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="2" 
<input id="id_form-INITIAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="0" 
<input id="id_form-MAX_NUM_FORMS" type="hidden" name="form-MAX_NUM_FORMS">

Thanks, Martin

On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:03:49 AM UTC+2, Tom Evans wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Martin Tiršel <martin.tir...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a formset and some JavaScript to add more forms into this 
> formset. In
> > a view, I iterate through the formset saving (not a ModelForm just Form 
> with
> > save method) each form:
> >
> > for form in formset:
> >     form.save()
> >
> > But I want to ignore empty forms that were added by JavasScript and not
> > removed. How can I do this?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Martin
> >
> You don't show much of your code, but I presume you have called
> formset.is_valid() at this point?
> If so, this pattern is pretty canonical:
> if formset.is_valid():
>     for form in formset:
>         if form.is_valid() and not form.empty_permitted:
>             form.save()
> Extra forms in a formset are all instantiated with empty_permitted=True.
> There are other things to be aware of though. This logic will not take
> into account deleted forms etc, which is why there is a
> BaseModelFormSet with the right behaviour baked into it's save()
> method.
> Cheers
> Tom

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