Event: Open Django East

Date: Friday May 18 to Saturday May 19 (optional sprint on Sunday May

Renaissance Newark Airport
1000 Spring Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07201

For more information click here:
Open Django East

Django 1.4 is out, and DjangoCon US isn't until September! How are you
going to get help understanding the new features? How are you going to
make your applications more secure?

These two topics are the major themes of Open Django East, the first
of a series of three conferences that aim to help you get the most out
of Django.The single-track conference means that you won't miss any
sessions, and because it runs on a Friday and Saturday you only need
to take one day off work.

To thank you for your attendance at DjangoCon last year we are
offering a 5% discount on the already reasonable prices if you book
before midnight next Sunday, April 29  Just go to
http://opendjangoeast2012.eventbrite.com/?discount=djc to claim your


Steve Holden

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  • Open Django East Steve Holden
    • Open Django East nancy.as...@conferencedirect.com

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