The vague, open-ended nature of your questions gives me the impression
that you are trying to get the group to do most of the hard work for

Tom's suggestion is right - Pubsub definitely sounds like the way to
go for your project. The TCP protocol doesn't make any specific
reference to AJAX either, but AJAX works rather well over it
nonetheless :-)

As for the two Django packages - download and install them, try them
out, see which one fits your needs best. If you have a specific
problem with one of them and need some assistance, I'm sure people on
this list (or StackOverflow) will be happy to help.

On Apr 24, 2:46 pm, psychok7 <> wrote:
> i found  django-*push server*  and  
> django-push<>
> can anyone tell me if they are very differente, and wich one is easier (and
> good) to use?
> On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 12:14:17 PM UTC+1, psychok7 wrote:
> > hi, i have to implement  a S
> > erver push with django for a school project. my friend said that its very
> > hard to make it work, that the software around is still buggy and all.
> > it that true? can you guide me to a easy way to implement this that works
> > without any problems or workarounds?
> > i am still new to django and i dont have a lot of time so if you guys tell
> > me its gonna take a lot of time ill probably switch to java or so

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