> Hi, I am attempting to get nginx and uwsgi running on my local box, I
> followed any number of tutorials and this one had the most complete
> information.
> http://gekicstart.ca/tech-posts/nginxuwsgidjango-stack/
> It is written for Debian\Ubuntu so I had to transpose a bit. I got through
> most of it and I got to the section on creating the daemon for uwsgi that
> loads a specific project. It creates a /etc/init/projectX.conf file that
> it
> loads the uwsgi specific information from. I didn't know enough to create
> a
> daemon in arch so I opted for running the command by cli.
> /usr/bin/uwsgi socket /root/Workspace/Eclipse/sockets/projectX.sock
> --chmod-socket --module wsgi_app --pythonpath
> /root/Workspace/Eclipse/projectX/uwsgi -p 1
> I also extended the relative paths to absolute from the example code, so
> far so good. but when it loads the below file.
> when I run this it craps on the django import
> #!/usr/bin/python2.7
> import sys
> import os
> import django.core.handlers.wsgi
> sys.path.append("/Eclipse/")
> os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'projectX.settings'
> application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

I suggest you to follow official docs/quickstart


Most of the blog-posts out-there refer to very particular configs that could
make mess in your mind.

By the way, it looks like you have built uWSGI for a different python

>From its source directory do

make clean
python2.7 uwsgiconfig.py --build

to be sure the correct python version is used (the first command is used
for cleaning files from the previous build)

When uWSGi starts it print a good amount of log-lines, try to always read
(or report) them to fastly get help.

Roberto De Ioris

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