File myapp/ has this sample code..

from django.db import models

# model for 'user' table in database oracle_dbuser1:user 
class User(models.Model):
    . . .
    customerid = models.BigIntegerField()

# model for 'customer' table in database oracle_dbuser2:customer
# Note that there is no Foreign key integrity among these legacy tables.
class Customer(models.Model):
    . . .
    customerid = models.BigIntegerField()

and the file myapp/ has the following code:

from maasusers.models import User, Customer
from django.contrib import admin

class UserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    # A handy constant for the name of the alternate database.
    db_one = 'dbuser1'
    db_two = 'dbuser2'

    # display in a list
    list_display = (. . .) # question 1

    def queryset(self, request):
        result = super(UserAdmin, self).queryset(request).using(self.db_one) # 
question 2
        return result

# Register the Poll class, UserAdmin), UserAdmin)

Question 1: Refer above: I want to display columns of both the tables. How 
can I achieve this? Eg.Select usr.col1, usr.col2, cust.col1, cust.col10 
from user usr, customer cust where usr.col2 = cust.col3;

Question 2: How to write a corresponding queryset() function using the using

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