I am in much the same situation, Michael. How did you go about finding a good

Cheers, Bob
Eugene, OR - Tucson, AZ

-----Original Message-----
From: django-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Michael A
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 03:41
To: Django users
Subject: Developing first Django Site -- any advice on co-developing effectively
with a professional?

Dear Django community,

I'm excited to develop my first site in Django and am trying understand the best
way to approach things. I don't have a strong coding background, but I'm
comfortable with the tutorial, ~3 hours of screencasts, and "Beginning Django
E-Commerce" by James McGaw.

Designed the database and coded the model layer myself... hiring a designer for
the front-end work, and hiring a django developer to co- develop via github.
Worked out the development roadmap and features needed for launch (below).

My goal is to develop 30-50% myself with feedback/review from the professional,
with them coding the rest and me learning from their code. Has anyone tried
something similar before? Any concerns or advice on partnering effectively?

Our feature list is below, with hourly estimates from the developer.
I've starred those I'm aspiring to code myself.
Also interested in whether we can leverage existing code/libraries to solve some
of these challenges. Thanks!!

* - Account Sign-Up with Lost Password - 15 hours
* - Admin Tool: User Manager - 30 hours
Admin Tool: Managing PDF Content - 30 hours Community Forums - 45 hours FAQ/Help
Center Module - 35 hours Single Item Purchase - 15 hours Digital Asset Delivery
- 30 hours
* - Customer Internal: Simple Account Management (password, email) - 5 hours
Customer Internal: User Dashboard - 10 hours
* - Customer Internal: Contact Form - 3 hours
* - System Generated Emails - 15 hours
Data Export Tools (Customer Data) - 12 hours Secure Storage/Delivery of PDFs - 5
hours Page/Form Builds - 20 hours U/X Development - 25 hours Slice Art / Build
Templates - 25 hours

Appreciate any advice you may have on how to approach this project effectively!

Cheers from Tokyo,


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