Thanks for the replies guys.

I realised I was over thinking the matter. I'm just going to do the
necessary work in the view for now, get it *working*, and then worry about
optimising later.

On 16 April 2012 19:16, Javier Guerra Giraldez <> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Nikhil Somaru <> wrote:
> > If I do the filtering in, I the template would have to make
> > assumptions about the type of context variables I will be passing it.
> >
> > Or am I seeing this the wrong way?
> i think so.   the view is where you manage _what_ is shown, the
> template is where you manage _how_ is shown.
> from that, filtering is usually more apropriate to be done on the view.
> i usually don't worry too much about the template assuming the view
> works in a specific way, since templates are _so_ rarely reusable
> (except for inheritance, but i don't think it's your problem)
> i don't really get what do you mean by "would have to make assumptions
> about the type of context variables", filtering data (in the view)
> usually shoudln't change type of variables (querysets are still
> querysets), it should only change the content of them.
> --
> Javier
> --
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Nikhil Somaru

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