OK, thanks for sharing this

On 16 Apr, 07:54, Pavan Verma <pavan.ve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am a Django newbie and also interested in this question.
> From reading the Django bookhttp://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter05/,
> I see that the query 'Publisher.objects.order_by('name')[0:2]' maps
> to:
> SELECT id, name, address, city, state_province, country, website
> FROM books_publisher
> ORDER BY name
> Also, Django delays execution of the db query until the result is
> actually required.
> Given the above two observations, I would think that both the type of
> accesses you mentioned will do exactly the same thing, which is to do
> a query with "OFFSET 0 LIMIT 1".
> To confirm this, you can use the django-devserver (https://github.com/
> dcramer/django-devserver) with SQL queries enabled which will display
> every query made in real time.
> thanks,
> -pavan
> On Apr 14, 9:56 pm, NENAD CIKIC <nenad.ci...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello!
> > I want to get just the top element of one queryset. SO I have
> > something as
> > qs=MyModel.objects.filter(...).order_by(..)
> > and then use qs[0] and check some value
> > I wonder now if i did the right thing or it is better to use .extra on
> > queryset.
> > Is the queryset object allocated for all objects, or is django/python
> > smarter than me and gets only the  needed object?
> > Should I maybe do directly
> > topObj=MyModel.objects.filter(...).order_by(..)[0]
> > What is better?
> > Thanks
> > Nenad

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