    I've a Master/Slave DB configuration using DATABASE_ROUTERS and such,
but recently i found that a script that has an intensive use of
get_or_create started eating up to much CPU and resources, looking at the
django code i found this:

            def get_or_create(self, **kwargs):
                # Update kwargs with the related object that this
                # ForeignRelatedObjectsDescriptor knows about.
                kwargs.update({rel_field.name: instance})
                db = router.db_for_write(rel_model, instance=instance)
                return super(RelatedManager,
            get_or_create.alters_data = True

>From there i can tell that the get as well as the create are being done on
the read DB and completely ignoring the read DB.

So, my question is, is this intended or a bug? If intended, can you give me
the criteria for this to understand it better please?

Nicolas Valcárcel
Gerente IT / CTO
Celular: (511) 976 330 707

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