I have a table D that contains two foreign keys from tables A and B. There
is another table in the model, call it C, that relates the keys in A and B.
In the admin input form for table D, I want to restrict the values for B
based on what the user input for A and the values already stored in table
C. For example:
Table C has the following data
A.id | B.id
 1    |   1
 1    |   2
 1    |   3
 2    |   4
 2    |   3

In the admin form for table D, if the user selects 2 for A.id, I want to
only show 4 and 3 in the drop down for B.id. If the user selects 1 for
A.id, I want to show 1,2,3 in the drop down for B.id. Is this possible? How
would I incorporate this restriction for the admin input form for table D.

As a 1 week old django newbie, I am not sure what to look for in the
documentation, which, by the way, I find to be excellent - well written,
clear, concise, and very helpful. Thank-you to all the writers on the
project! For what it is worth, I am using django 1.3 on Debian testing
(that is the latest version in the Debian repositories).



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