Hi folks, I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I can't get the
image_cropping widget to work in my template.

I've installed django-image-cropping (
https://github.com/jonasundderwolf/django-image-cropping ) and have set up
my models appropriately. It works absolutely perfect in the admin, but I
can't seem to get it to work with a front-end form in a template.

Digging around for information, I've tried to import image_cropping.widgets
and assign the ImageCropWidget to the cropping field, but the form field
still shows up as a text input.
FROM Forms.py:*
class ProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
        model = Candidate
        exclude = ('user')
        widgets = {
            'cropping': ImageCropWidget(),

And in my template, I'm calling the form field directly, not "as_p" or
*FROM form.html:*
<div class="bio_field_wrapper">
{{ Form.cropping.errors }}
{{ Form.cropping }}

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

- Pat

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