On Apr 4, 3:15 am, Mike Dewhirst <mi...@dewhirst.com.au> wrote:
> I have now discarded the idea :)
> I'm not very comfortable with thread locals. I need a bullet-proof
> approach which makes data from other companies invisible to members of
> this company. I suppose a view decorator is the way to go but I would
> have preferred a deeper model-level approach.

You have two ways to pass this kind of information around:
  1. explicitly as parameters
  2. using thread locals (or other "global state").

So, you need to use explicit parameters. You should do something like

class MemberManager(models.Manager):
    def visible_for_user(self, user):
        # Replace the below filter condition with appropriate logic.
        return self.get_query_set().filter(company=user.company)

Now, instead of using Member.objects.all() you should use
Member.objects.visible_for_user(request.user) in your code. I think
you can set the manager default for relations, so that you could do
group.membership.visible_for_user(request.user), but I haven't ever
done that. You will need to be careful when coding so that you don't
accidentally show or modify data from other companies. The way I would
do this is have the logic in the Model/Manager classes, and then use
that logic in your view code.

 - Anssi

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