On 31/03/2012, at 4:01 AM, Willy wrote:

> I know the question is kind of poorly phrased. But here goes, I've been 
> working on a blog software and I want to have five distinct post types (in 
> the same way Tumblr does) but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to 
> create my index view and detail views as they are currently five different 
> models that inherit from the same abstract base model.
> Here is my models.py http://dpaste.com/724371/
> as well as my views.py http://dpaste.com/724372/
> and for safe measure, my urls.py within the app http://dpaste.com/724373/
> How can I make this work? The current hack of using chain() isn't really 
> working out because of the fact that it returns a list, not a queryset.

It sounds like most of your problems originate from the fact that you're using 
an abstract base class for posts.

If you make BasePost non-abstract, then you'll be able to generate a queryset 
of BasePost objects, rather than having to chain through querysets of the 
concrete subclasses. Once you have a BasePost instance, you can retrieve the 
specific details associated with each instance with a single attribute request. 
It also means that when you start introducing links to posts, you won't need to 
maintain 5 different foreign key types (i.e., link to a text post, link to an 
image post, etc) -- there's just one "link to a post".

The detail view is also simplified -- it's a detail view for BasePost, not some 
hybrid that is trying to handle 5 different subclasses.

The only other thing you might want to change is to make post_type a field on 
BasePost; this isn't strictly required, but it will make it easier to do 
CORBA-style "narrowing" (i.e., I have a BasePost instance; what type of Post is 
it, and how do I get an object of that type?).

Hope this helps!
Russ Magee %-)

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