
Have you called is_valid() on the form before that ?

Xavier Ordoquy,

Le 28 mars 2012 à 15:57, Marcin a écrit :

> Consider the following stack trace (all relevant code is shown in the stack 
> trace):
> In [3]: f.clean()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
> C:\Users\Marcin\Documents\oneclickcos\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\commands\shell.pyc
>  in <module>()
> ----> 1 f.clean()
> C:\Users\Marcin\Documents\oneclickcos\oneclickcos\mainapp\incorporate_helpers.pyc
>  in clean(self)
>     569         This checks the relations between fields, ensures consistent 
> state, and exports bits about the state of the form that can be used in 
> subsequent
> validations
>     570         """
> --> 571         cleaned_data = super(IncorporateForm, self).clean()
>     572         #logger.debug('IncorporationForm.cleaned_data: ' + 
> str(cleaned_data))
>     573         try:
> C:\Users\Marcin\Documents\oneclickcos\oneclickcos\mainapp\incorporate_helpers.pyc
>  in clean(self)
>     402
>     403     def clean(self):
> --> 404         cleaned_data = super(CreateForm, self).clean()
>     405         # trying to use an empty pk can result in a ValueError. 
> Easier to expunge.
>     406         if cleaned_data.get('pk', None) == '': del cleaned_data['pk']
> C:\Users\Marcin\Documents\oneclickcos\lib\site-packages\django\forms\forms.pyc
>  in clean(self)
>     315         association with the field named '__all__'.
>     316         """
> --> 317         return self.cleaned_data
>     318
>     319     def has_changed(self):
> AttributeError: 'IncorporateForm' object has no attribute 'cleaned_data'
> As you can see, my code conforms to the examples at 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/forms/validation/#cleaning-and-validating-fields-that-depend-on-each-other.
> However, the error comes from BaseForm's clean method, which expects a 
> cleaned_data property or attribute to exist. What gives? Is this a bug in 
> django?
> -- 
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