On 28/03/2012, at 6:31 AM, Justin Holmes wrote:

> Heretofore, I had always believed that Http404 did not cause Middleware 
> process_exception() to be run.  Am I right in this thinking?
> I have a get_object_or_404 that, when the object in question isn't found, is 
> running process_exception.

Http404 is an exception, so yes, it should cause process_exception() to be run.

The test suite for middleware processing might be (slightly) illuminating here; 
it's a bit long winded and gnarly, but it enumerates and validates the full 
path for every possible combination of middleware and response type.

Look at regression_tests/middleware_exceptions; 
test_process_exception_middleware_not_found is the test for your specific case.

Out of interest -- can you put your finger on why you heretofore thought 
Http404 didn't hit exception middleware? I've done a quick poke through the 
history of the middleware handling code, and I can't see any obvious reason why 
this would have changed (even inadvertently).

Russ Magee %-)

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