Hello Anssi,

thanks! Seems to work. I tried it like this:

from django.db import models

class MyModelBase(models.base.ModelBase):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        attr_meta = attrs.pop('Meta', None)

            has_cpk= attr_meta.has_composite_primary_key
            del attr_meta.has_composite_primary_key
        except AttributeError:
            has_cpk = False

        model = super(MyModelBase,cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
        model._meta.has_composite_primary_key = has_cpk
        return model

And I then assigned this as the __metaclass__ to my Model class.

However I droped the whole composite forreign key idea in favor of
another solution.

So: Problem solved!


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