Hello all, 

I am just starting learning Django and managed to get a basic website 
working with a nice admin section. I am now facing a problem which I am not 
sure how to resolve. 

So I basically have 2 tables in my database: 
- Flat 
- PendingFlat 

The PendingFlat would be a subset of the Flat table. 

The website will offer the ability to a user to sell his flat. The website 
will ask only a few questions to the user such as the price and the 
location and store this information within the PendingFlat table. The admin 
can then go the admin section of the website, view all pending flats from 
the PendingFlat table and approve them as he wish. So I'd like to have an 
approve button next to each line of the records of the PendingFlat table. 
This button should then get the admin to the add view page of the Flat 
table with some prepopulated fields such as the location and the price. 

My first attempt was to do the following in the admin.py file: 
class PendingFlatAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): 
def button(self, obj): 
return mark_safe('<a 
button.short_description = 'Approve' 
button.allow_tags = True 
list_display = ('id', 'button') 
admin.site.register(PendingFlat, PendingFlatAdmin) 

This will successfully get the admin to the add flat page with the rent 
being prepopulated. Unfortunately, this won't delete the PendingFlat entry 
once the admin has successfully added this flat to the database and it also 
makes it difficult to maintain when new attributes are being added to the 
table. Is there a nice way to achieve this? 

I understand that my choice of database structure might be wrong. It might 
be better to have a single table Flat which has a pending boolean field. 
But if I do this how can I mark certain felds as being optional (blank = 
True) when the pending field is set to True? 

a noob who hopes to lose his noob status as soon as possible [image: :)]  

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