I think the issue is that there is some sort of minimum character
limit for the message field in the send_email and send_mass_email
functions.  I was not able to find anything in the docs pertaining to
this, but when I use a string like 'test1' the message never gets
sent.  When I use something like, 'I love my veggies', everything
seems to work fine.
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Scott Macri <scottma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, I ran the debugger and here is what I came up with:
> -> print "CHECK MESSAGE :"
> (Pdb) repr(email_message)
> "u'test1'"
> (Pdb)
> It looks like it is unicode text.
> The strange thing is if I manually update the fields in the database
> with SQL from the PostGres command prompt the email then works.  This
> is a very strange issue.
> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Scott Macri <scottma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Nope, I guess that only fixed it for a minute.
>> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Scott Macri <scottma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm very new to python and django.  Thanks for the tip.  I was trying
>>> to figure out how to set break points.
>>> I figured out what the problem was.
>>> In views.py I was calling the following function to save the data in
>>> the database, which was in a different .py file:
>>> HealthData.saveHealthData(HealthData(),healthData)
>>> Different .py file:
>>>        def saveHealthData(self,healthData):
>>>                healthData.save()
>>> When I changed the above call in views.py to healthData.save() instead
>>> of calling the external method to save the data, everything worked
>>> fine.  This is very strange.
>>> The data was appeared to look fine in the databas, and acted fine when
>>> I pulled it out, but for some reason send_mass_email had an issue with
>>> it.
>>> Something was messing up the way the data was being stored in the
>>> database or something.  VERY STRANGE!!!
>>> Any thoughts on what was going on here?  Thanks.
>>> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 4:58 PM, Scott Macri <scottma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I've come to the conclusion that send_mail and send_mass_mail cannot
>>>>> be used with sqlite due to a but with the message text.
>>>>> Attempting to pull a string from the sqlite database and putting it
>>>>> into the message field on either of the above mentioned functions
>>>>> causes the message sending to fail without an exception even if
>>>>> fail_silently = True.
>>>>> I have been pulling my hair out over this for the last couple of days
>>>>> and cannot get either method to work when using simple text, "test
>>>>> text", pulled out of an sqlite database.
>>>>> Anyone have any success with this?
>>>> I would start sticking breakpoints (import pdb; pdb.set_trace()) in
>>>> interesting functions and seeing why it fails. I would suspect that
>>>> something that you think is a string, is not. Make sure you look at
>>>> repr(obj), and not print obj - the latter will convert to a string.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Tom
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>>> --
>>> Scott A. Macri
>>> www.ScottMacri.com
>>> (571) 234-1581
>> --
>> Scott A. Macri
>> www.ScottMacri.com
>> (571) 234-1581
> --
> Scott A. Macri
> www.ScottMacri.com
> (571) 234-1581

Scott A. Macri
(571) 234-1581

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