
I am working on a Django application for handling events with schedules. 
Basically an event has a starting and ending date and contains sessions, 
each with a date and starting and ending time (current code is at 
https://gitorious.org/django-seminar/). The application is 

I want to present the date range of an event in a humanized form, using 
formulations that depend on the particular range at hand, like

   - May 4th, 2012
   - from May 3rd to 5th, 2012 (not sure this is the proper phrasing in 
   English, btw)
   - from April 23rd to May 2nd, 2012
   - from December 27th, 2012 to January 4th, 2013
Obviously, I want this to be translated properly. What would be a proper 
way to do this?
I came up with two ideas for solving the question, but neither one is fully 

   1. use a combination of translatable format strings, like "from 
   %(begin)s to %(end)s" (one for each case) plus one or two translatable 
   strftime format for each case, but that makes for a dozen techincal 
   messages to translate;
   2. use a Python function for formatting, one for each language, stored 
   in a module like locale.en.formats, and use the proper function depending 
   on the context, but that requires some complicated machinery, unless some 
   infrastructure already exists for that.

As a related point, I want to format single dates within this range in a 
humanized fashion that depends on the context (when presenting a schedule, 
or in selection lists in forms). For instance, if the date range is from 
Monday, May 7h to Friday, May 11th, I want to simpy say "Tuesday" or 
"Tuesday 8th" instead of "May 8th, 2012", since the month and year are 
known from the context. This, too, combines translation and context 
dependent formatting.

I am probably not the first one to face this situation. How do people 
usually cope with this?


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