On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 10:55 PM, Marc Aymerich <glicer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Mauro Sánchez <maur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello, if I have the following Model:
>> class A:
>>    name
>> class B:
>>    name
>>    a = models.ForeignKey(A)
>> class C:
>>    name
>>    b = models.ForeignKey(B)
>> And let's suppose that in the Admin Site I have a Filter in the C list
>> that refers to the A model. Is there a way to keep that filter when I
>> am going to add a new C object and use it to filter the combobox of
>> the b filed so that it will only show the b objects that are related
>> to the A model in the filter?
>> For example:
>> If the filter I choose points to the id=1 in the A model, the combobox
>> for the b field when I add a C object only has to show the B objects
>> that has a = 1
> If I understand you righ, it's a bit triky stuff, you have to do two things:
> 1)  Define a custom add_form and override their __init__ method with
> something like:
>  self.fields['b'].queryset = self.fields['b'].queryset.filter(a=a_pk)
> 2)  Provides the current value of your filter (a_pk) to the defined form on 1)
>  I think this can be done overriding modeladmin.get_form() method
> since request is one of their args, so you can extract the value of
> the filter on the http referer url and provide it to the form that
> this method creates.

More specifically:

def get_form(self, request, *args **kwargs):
    form = super(YourModelAdmin, self).get_form(request, *args, **kwargs)
    a_pk = get_a_pk_from_http_referer(request)
    form.a_pk = a_pk
    return form

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
   super(YourModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
   self.fields['b'].queryset = self.fields['b'].queryset.filter(a=self.a_pk)


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