This is weird....

I simply copy pasted your code in my environment and it shows me a Drop

Could you save the models file again and close your browser (or even try
clearing cache) and restart your apache/django dev server whatever may be
the case and try again?


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 9:32 PM, <> wrote:

> I'm fairly new to django, still getting my feet wet. I want to have a
> dropdown menu (django seems to call this a select box). I read this:
> So I did this:
> class EventsTable(models.Model):
>        ('Event Created', 'EventCreated'),
>        ('Event Changed', 'EventChanged'),
>    )
>    message = models.CharField("Event Type", max_length=12,
> But I get a standard text entry field where I can type in anything.
> I did more googling, and I read a lot of confusing stuff about having
> to use javascrpt, ajax, CSS, etc. I read some pages about using a
> ChoiceField, but that is not part of the model class (it's in the
> forms class). I'm not sure how that would be used with a class that
> inherits form models.
> What am I missing here? I can't imagine something as common as this
> would be hard in django. Shouldn't the first thing I did work?
> TIA!
> -larry
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