On Feb 19, 3:38 am, Gchorn <guillaumech...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> So in my models.py file, I have:
> class Player(models.Model):
>         team = models.ForeignKey(Team)
>         first_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>         last_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>         gp = models.IntegerField(max_length=2) #games played
>         mp = models.IntegerField(max_length=4) #minutes played
>         def mpg(self): #minutes per game
>                 return self.mp/self.gp
>         def __unicode__(self):
>                 return self.first_name+' '+self.last_name
> When I run "python manage.py shell" and try to pull up a player's
> "mpg", I get:
> >>> p = Player.objects.get(last_name='Durant')
> >>> p
> <Player: Kevin Durant>>>> p.mp
> 1027
> >>> p.gp
> 27
> >>> p.mpg
> <bound method Player.mpg of <Player: Kevin Durant>>
> How do I get the API to return '38' and not <bound method of blah blah
> blah>?  I realize this probably has something to do with telling the
> models.py file how to represent p.mpg with some kind of __unicode__()
> method, but I don't know exactly what that code should be or where it
> should go relative to the "def mpg(self)" method...

mpg is a method, so call it:

If you want to have p.mpg returning the value, you could use a
def _get_mpg(self):
    return self.mp/self.gp
mpg = property(_get_mpg)

There isn't anything special about models.py in this regard, this is
just standard Python. So, I suggest learning a little more about
Python. If you go through trial-error learning here you are in for a
long ride.

 - Anssi

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