On Feb 16, 4:55 am, Anderson Borges <andersondbor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey guys
> I am learning django and I have a question
> I have a table in my database call SettingsUser so how can I load this table 
> to all views on my application?

I just don't understand what "loading a table" is supposed to mean. If
you want to make some object (model instance or whatever) available to
all your templates, a context processor will do the job. If you want
to make it available to all your views, you can use a middleware and
attach the relevant object(s) to the request object.

Now given the name ("settingsuser") I suspect it's a kind of "per-user
settings" stuff. If so, the SettingsUser model should have a
foreignkey on User, and then you can just follow the reversed
relationship, ie:

# youmodels.py
class UserSetting(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="settings")
    parrot_is_dead = models.BooleanField(u"Is user's parrot dead ?",

# yourviews.py

def something(request, *args, **kw):
    print request.user.settings.all()


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