Ivan Sagalaev wrote:
> Gary Wilson wrote:
> > Why can't objects be used in python sets?  Example:
> >
> >>>> [u.username for u in User.objects.all()]
> > ['bar', 'foo', 'foobar']
> >>>> a = User.objects.filter(username__contains='foo')
> >>>> b = User.objects.filter(username__contains='bar')
> >>>> set.intersection(set(a), set(b))
> May be set(..) doesn't cause a queryset to actually evaluate... Try:
>      set.intersection(set(list(a)), set(list(b)))

set() does eqvaluate the QuerySet:

>>> set(a)
set([<User: foobar>, <User: foo>])
>>> set(list(a))
set([<User: foobar>, <User: foo>])
>>> set(a) == set(list(a))

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