I want to use the built-in auth_groups permissions system in a many-to-many sense but can't quite figure it out for my use case. Any help will be appreciated.

The use case is: users have different types of access (r/o, r/w or admin) to different companies. Any single user can have r/o access to company-1, r/w access to company-2 and admin access to company-3 and so on. Any company can have relationships with many users each of whom will have one of the r/o, r/w or admin group permissions.

So there has to be a many-to-many relationship between user and company and the group needs to be specified in that relationship table rather than in the auth_user_groups table - where it currently sits.

How do I invoke a different set of permissions depending on the name of the group established in the user-company relationship table when a user is accessing that company's data?

A side question is how do I remove the displayed Groups in the Django Admin auth/user display?



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