On Feb 2, 2:30 pm, ds39 <sdavid...@gmail.com> wrote:
Is there any page, outside of the
> official documentation, that gives an example from beginning to end
> regarding how to save ModelForms in your database using views.py
> rather than the shell (including sample URLs) ? Also, how would I
> access the entered text via the shell to determine if it was saved ?

Did you do the tutorial[1]?. Be sure to do all four parts. After that
the examples in the ModelForms documentation[2] should make sense. If
not, ask specific questions about what is not working the way you
think it should. Good luck.

{1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/
[2] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/topics/forms/modelforms/

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