On 2/02/2012 12:13pm, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar wrote:
     ('Y', 'Yes'),
     ('N', 'No'),

class X(models.Model):
     txt= models.CharField(db_index=True,null=True,

and in admin.py something as
class XForm(forms.ModelForm):
     def clean(self):
         cleaned_data=super(XForm, self).clean()
         txt= cleaned_data['txt'].strip()

         if txt.__len__()==0 and use_txt==TO_USE.__getitem__(0)[0]:

Personally, I would do this in models.py so it would run in any form's clean method. In which case ...

    class X(models.Model):

        def clean(self):
            self.txt = self.txt.strip()

Assuming you mean you only care about the contents of txt if there is something there AND then if so, you want the user to make a Yes/No selection ...

           if self.txt:
               ok = False
               for abbr, fullword in TO_USE:
                   # fullword is ignored
                   if abbr in self.use_txt:
                       ok = True
               if not ok:
raise django.core.exceptions.ValidationError('Yes or No required')

The above 'in' keyword means you don't need to use_txt.strip()

             raise forms.ValidationError('This is needed!')

         return cleaned_data

The part .__getitem__(0)[0] is not very readable. I have looked for
enums in python, and if I have understood well, it seems they are not

Have a look at list comprehension in the Python docs. It might help if you make TO_USE into a list of tuples instead of a tuple of tuples. I'm not as familiar with list comprehension as I should be and I suspect my verbose approach above could be squished considerably.

Just as an aside, you ought to be able to extract all the functionality ordinarily required without having to resort to __internal__() methods. They are really for people who want to tweak the language in "special" ways or give their own classes python-like class properties.

What is the best way to do it in python for my problem, given that I do
not want to write =='Y'.

I'm not saying the above is the "best" way but it might avoid =='Y'


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