Hi Daniel thanks for your reply that makes much more sense now.

On Wednesday, February 1, 2012, richard <pullenjenn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi i have seen alot of people saying to use a context processor to
> include forms in multiple page. I have written a context processor
> login form that just returns the django Authentication form and
> everything works great including the form.errors etc except that I
> cant seem to redirect from the context processor after is_valid is
> called. Are context processors not supposed ot be used in this way? My
> thoughts inititally were that if it seems to support a request and can
> do the validation why not? Basically stuck on using
> HttpResponseRedirect in a context processor. I have managed to get
> this working by passing a variable called redirect in the dictionary
> returned to my template and then saying if the redirect tag is
> available use the browsers meta tag to redirect me but i dont think
> this is the way it should work. code below please advise thanks.
> context_processors.py
> from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm
> from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
> def login_form(request):
>    if request.method == 'POST':
>        form = AuthenticationForm(data=request.POST)
>        if form.is_valid():
>            #return HttpResponseRedirect('/home') ONLY THING THATS NOT
>            return {'login_form': form, 'redirect': '/home'}
>    else:
>        form = AuthenticationForm(request)
>    return {'login_form': form}
> template.html
> {{ form.non_field_errors}} # works fine after post with errors showing
> {{ form.username}}
> {{ form.password}}
> {% if redirect %}
>   <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url={{ redirect }}">
>  {% endif %}

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