I forgot one thing: be cautious with transactions. The transaction
middleware will start a transaction only on 'default' alias. So, you
will probably need to use the transactions.commint_on_success /
commit_manually with the using parameter to make this work reliably.
Or write your own transaction middleware. If you need multidb-spanning
transactions you are in trouble. Or, at least if you need two phase

 - Anssi

On Jan 31, 12:45 am, akaariai <akaar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 31, 12:01 am, Tom Eastman <t...@catalyst.net.nz> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> > I'm writing a django project that will require me to route queries to
> > certain large databases based on who the logged in user is.
> > So all the tables for django.contrib.auth and session and stuff will be
> > in the 'central' database, as well as a table that maps users to which
> > database they need to use for the main app.
> > Can you help me come up with a way of routing database queries this way
> > using a Django database router?
> > At the start of the view could I take the logged in user from
> > request.user or wherever it is, and some how provide that variable to my
> > database router for the rest of the request?
> > All suggestions welcome.
> I assume that settings.DATABASES have all the needed per-user
> databases defined.
> I think the best solution forward is to use threading.local to store
> the request.user. So, something like this should work:
>   - have a middleware that stores the request.user in threading.local
>   - database routers just fetch the request.user from the
> threading.local storage.
> You could also play with the connections dictionary, something like
> this should work in 1.4:
> Have a special database alias 'per_user_db'. Assuming alias 'thedb2'
> is the correct database to use for the user, you would then in a
> middleware do this:
> django.db.connections['per_user_db'] = django.db.connections['thedb2']
> This should work in the upcoming 1.4, but in 1.3 you will get problems
> due to threading.
> Now, you will just always route your queries to 'per_user_db'.
> For example:
> SomeModel.objects.create(field1=val1, ...)
> connections['default'] = connections['other']
> print SomeModel.objects.all()
> will print an empty list, but if you comment out the assignment, you
> will see the just created object in the DB.
> As said, the above should work correctly in multithreaded environment
> only in the upcoming 1.4. In 1.3 the connections assignment will be
> global, and you will get weird errors! Note that I haven't actually
> tested this in multithreaded environment.
>  - Anssi

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