Den 25-01-2012 09:59, Praveen Krishna R skrev:
*I don't know if there are any databases or webservices available for
the purpose. But how would you handle the exceptions ?! Like if it does
not exist in the db, and common names used across genders ?!*
In general this would not be possible.
Kim, e.g., is used as a female name in English and as a male name in
Scandinavian languages.
Robin is used as a female and male name.
Then there's combinations such as José María and María José, which
require knowledge of Spanish naming conventions.
Andrea is a male name in Italian.
I think you might go by a list but there'd always be errors.
Carsten Agger
Magenta ApS
Åbogade 15
8200 Århus N
Tlf +45 2086 5010
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