I would like to wrap Symposion into an architecture that permits
multiple Symposion "installs" (multi-site) on the one domain.

Symposion is the conference project built with Pinax which is used by
large Python conferences including PyCon and DjangoCon.

I would like to create a project providing the following features:
- Display list of conferences hosted on this domain
- Create a new conference "site" with one click (specific user-roles only)
- Centralised authentication and profiles (eventually expanded out
into a group-centred system [http://i40.tinypic.com/hvzdrk.png])

So the only link between Symposion "installs" is the centralised
authentication and profiles which show conference attendance history.

Any advice on how to allow multiple Symposion installs on the one domain?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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