You would have to work to modularize your design so you can split jobs
in a very much self contained modules for each outsourcing team, if a
module has dependencies with others you may want to create a set of
stubs and hand them that, hell you could even generate the whole set
of stubs for all the project and just have the outsourcing programmers
fill them, this seams to ease things.

As for freelancing sites, as others have said, its a bit difficult to
find good experienced developers there and some platforms just puts a
barrier between you and the developer.

If your project is sensitive and you have security worries I suggest
you to consider at least local freelancing, otherwise word of mouth is
a good way to lookup good candidates, check what OSS projects they are
engaged with.

Personally as some one that have been a freelancer for a few years, I
found the use of such platforms painful and a friction cause, so I
tend not to use them I very much prefer the platforms I'm already
using (for developing Free Software) such as github / bitbucket, trac,
redmine, etc. The best jobs I ever had have been outside such
platforms, but alas YMMV.

Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Valenzuela

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