You will need to alter the methods for the AdminModel:

Your main focus will be the queryset method to limit what users can
see, this should also limit drop down boxes as well.  You may also
want to look at the formfield_for_* methods as well:

These would be your starting point, there is also the permission ones
as well, which I do believe will limit the views using permissions.

On Jan 12, 6:17 am, kenneth gonsalves <> wrote:
> hi
> note: this is in admin.
> I have a model called Child. Child has foreign key to Project. There are
> many projects, but each user is only allowed to add a child to the
> projects he belongs to. I have restricted the ProjectAdmin queryset so
> that the user can only see his projects in the project changelist. But
> when the user goes to add/edit a child, the dropdown shows *all*
> projects and not only the projects he belongs to. Any clues on how to
> achieve this?
> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves

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